The purpose of education basically is human development, i.e. the development of humaneness in man, making man more human. On the basis of this observation every person, whether teacher or student, parent or child, educator or social worker, humanitarian or educational institution, everybody, connected with education in some way, must think very deeply about what exactly is the purpose of education. Education has the great quality of empowering the mind with knowledge, skills and mental strength.
Education should be turned qualitative in order to be competitive in the job market of the globalized world. But, more than that, it should produce good human beings who can live with love, harmony, sharing and helping each other for the welfare of the society. We are happy to announce the starting of Mahabodhi Lord Buddha College at Namsai. Today we have the mighty task of building our nation. The aim of this college is to empower our youth with strong human values and the skills necessary to achieve higher excellence in every field, so that they become builders of character, builders of culture and builders of nation.
We welcome you to join our college. May the blessings of Lord Buddha surround your lives with wisdom, well-being and happiness!
Venerable Prof. Dr. Acharya Buddharakkhita,
Abhidhaja Aggamahà Saddhammajotika, Ph. D, D. Lit.